
'Medicine in the time of corona'
Read this editorial by Dr. Ali Shilatifard published in Science Advances

Northwestern and Cell Press Symposium Highlights Transcriptional Regulation
Northwestern and Cell Press recently hosted a Cell Symposium on the Chicago campus, focusing on transcriptional regulation in evolution, development and disease

Childhood Leukemia: On the Edge of Extinction!
TEDx talk: Dr. Ali Shilatifard describes how he and his colleagues have made leaps in understanding child leukemia.

Northwestern Hospitals Among the Best
Northwestern Memorial Hospital is recognized among the top 10 hospitals in the country and remains No. 1 in Chicago and Illinois

New Epigenetic Regulation of Cancer Uncovered
A new study published in Science Advances describes the identification of a gene that can inhibit a multi-protein complex, possibly increasing the risk of cancer

Chromatin, Histones, and DNA Packaging
Ali Shilatifard describes how epigenetic changes may interfere with DNA packaging in the nucleus

A Definition of Epigenetics in Humans
Ali Shilatifard defines epigenetics in humans in terms of cellular responses to environmental signals propagated through generations