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Learn more about the work that we do in the Derek Walsh Laboratory through our recent publications.

  1. Khalatyan N, Cornish D, Ferrell AJ, Savas JN, Shen PS, Hultquist JF, Walsh D  Ribosome customization and functional diversification among P-stalk proteins regulate late poxvirus protein synthesis.  Cell Rep  2025 Jan 28;44(1):115119. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2024.115119
  2. Meade N, Toreev HK, Chakrabarty RP, Hesser CR, Park C, Chandel NS, Walsh D  The poxvirus F17 protein counteracts mitochondrially orchestrated antiviral responses.  Nat Commun  2023 Nov 30;14(1):7889. pii:7889
  3. Goodrum F, Lowen AC, Lakdawala S, Alwine J, Casadevall A, Imperiale MJ, Atwood W, Avgousti D, Baines J, Banfield B  et al.  Virology under the Microscope-a Call for Rational Discourse.  mSphere  2023 Apr 20;8(2):e0003423. pii:e00034-23
  4. Hesser CR, Walsh D  YTHDF2 Is Downregulated in Response to Host Shutoff Induced by DNA Virus Infection and Regulates Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression.  J Virol  2023 Mar 30;97(3):e0175822. pii:e01758-22
  5. Goodrum F, Lowen AC, Lakdawala S, Alwine J, Casadevall A, Imperiale MJ, Atwood W, Avgousti D, Baines J, Banfield B  et al.  Virology under the Microscope-a Call for Rational Discourse.  mBio  2023 Feb 28;14(1):e0018823. pii:e00188-23
  6. Goodrum F, Lowen AC, Lakdawala S, Alwine J, Casadevall A, Imperiale MJ, Atwood W, Avgousti D, Baines J, Banfield B  et al.  Virology under the Microscope-a Call for Rational Discourse.  J Virol  2023 Feb 28;97(2):e0008923. pii:e00089-23
  7. Park C, Walsh D  Ribosomes in poxvirus infection.  Curr Opin Virol  2022 Oct;56:101256. doi:10.1016/j.coviro.2022.101256
  8. Park C, Walsh D  RACK1 Regulates Poxvirus Protein Synthesis Independently of Its Role in Ribosome-Based Stress Signaling.  J Virol  2022 Sep 28;96(18):e0109322. pii:e01093-22
  9. Pegg CE, Zaichick SV, Bomba-Warczak E, Jovasevic V, Kim D, Kharkwal H, Wilson DW, Walsh D, Sollars PJ, Pickard GE  et al.  Herpesviruses assimilate kinesin to produce motorized viral particles.  Nature  2021 Nov;599(7886):662-666. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04106-w
  10. Rollins MG, Shasmal M, Meade N, Astar H, Shen PS, Walsh D  Negative charge in the RACK1 loop broadens the translational capacity of the human ribosome.  Cell Rep  2021 Sep 07;36(10):109663. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109663
  11. Furey C, Astar H, Walsh D  Human Cytomegalovirus Exploits TACC3 To Control Microtubule Dynamics and Late Stages of Infection.  J Virol  2021 Aug 25;95(18):e0082121. pii:e00821-21
  12. Procter DJ, Furey C, Garza-Gongora AG, Kosak ST, Walsh D  Cytoplasmic control of intranuclear polarity by human cytomegalovirus.  Nature  2020 Nov;587(7832):109-114. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2714-x
  13. DiGiuseppe S, Rollins MG, Astar H, Khalatyan N, Savas JN, Walsh D  Proteomic and mechanistic dissection of the poxvirus-customized ribosome.  J Cell Sci  2020 Jul 09;134(5). pii:jcs246603
  14. Furey C, Jovasevic V, Walsh D  TACC3 Regulates Microtubule Plus-End Dynamics and Cargo Transport in Interphase Cells.  Cell Rep  2020 Jan 07;30(1):269-283.e6. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.025
  15. Meade N, King M, Munger J, Walsh D  mTOR Dysregulation by Vaccinia Virus F17 Controls Multiple Processes with Varying Roles in Infection.  J Virol  2019 Aug 01;93(15). pii:e00784-19
  16. Rollins MG, Jha S, Bartom ET, Walsh D  RACK1 evolved species-specific multifunctionality in translational control through sequence plasticity within a loop domain.  J Cell Sci  2019 Jun 19;132(12). pii:jcs228908
  17. Meade N, DiGiuseppe S, Walsh D  Translational control during poxvirus infection.  Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA  2019 Mar;10(2):e1515. doi:10.1002/wrna.1515
  18. Walsh D, Naghavi MH  Exploitation of Cytoskeletal Networks during Early Viral Infection.  Trends Microbiol  2019 Jan;27(1):39-50. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2018.06.008
  19. Meade N, Furey C, Li H, Verma R, Chai Q, Rollins MG, DiGiuseppe S, Naghavi MH, Walsh D  Poxviruses Evade Cytosolic Sensing through Disruption of an mTORC1-mTORC2 Regulatory Circuit.  Cell  2018 Aug 23;174(5):1143-1157.e17. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.053
  20. Chai Q, Jovasevic V, Malikov V, Sabo Y, Morham S, Walsh D, Naghavi MH  Author Correction: HIV-1 counteracts an innate restriction by amyloid precursor protein resulting in neurodegeneration.  Nat Commun  2018 Jun 05;9(1):2257. pii:2257
  21. DiGiuseppe S, Rollins MG, Bartom ET, Walsh D  ZNF598 Plays Distinct Roles in Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression and Poxvirus Protein Synthesis.  Cell Rep  2018 May 01;23(5):1249-1258. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.132
  22. Procter DJ, Banerjee A, Nukui M, Kruse K, Gaponenko V, Murphy EA, Komarova Y, Walsh D  The HCMV Assembly Compartment Is a Dynamic Golgi-Derived MTOC that Controls Nuclear Rotation and Virus Spread.  Dev Cell  2018 Apr 09;45(1):83-100.e7. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2018.03.010
  23. Walsh D  Poxviruses: Slipping and sliding through transcription and translation.  PLoS Pathog  2017 Nov;13(11):e1006634. pii:e1006634
  24. Chai Q, Jovasevic V, Malikov V, Sabo Y, Morham S, Walsh D, Naghavi MH  HIV-1 counteracts an innate restriction by amyloid precursor protein resulting in neurodegeneration.  Nat Commun  2017 Nov 15;8(1):1522. pii:1522
  25. Naghavi MH, Walsh D  Microtubule Regulation and Function during Virus Infection.  J Virol  2017 Aug 15;91(16). pii:e00538-17
  26. Jha S, Rollins MG, Fuchs G, Procter DJ, Hall EA, Cozzolino K, Sarnow P, Savas JN, Walsh D  Trans-kingdom mimicry underlies ribosome customization by a poxvirus kinase.  Nature  2017 Jun 29;546(7660):651-655. doi:10.1038/nature22814
  27. Jan E, Mohr I, Walsh D  A Cap-to-Tail Guide to mRNA Translation Strategies in Virus-Infected Cells.  Annu Rev Virol  2016 Sep 29;3(1):283-307
  28. Jovasevic V, Naghavi MH, Walsh D  Microtubule plus end-associated CLIP-170 initiates HSV-1 retrograde transport in primary human cells.  J Cell Biol  2015 Oct 26;211(2):323-37. doi:10.1083/jcb.201505123
  29. Malikov V, da Silva ES, Jovasevic V, Bennett G, de Souza Aranha Vieira DA, Schulte B, Diaz-Griffero F, Walsh D, Naghavi MH  HIV-1 capsids bind and exploit the kinesin-1 adaptor FEZ1 for inward movement to the nucleus.  Nat Commun  2015 Mar 30;6:6660. doi:10.1038/ncomms7660
  30. Walsh D, Mohr I  Coupling 40S ribosome recruitment to modification of a cap-binding initiation factor by eIF3 subunit e.  Genes Dev  2014 Apr 15;28(8):835-40. doi:10.1101/gad.236752.113
  31. Sabo Y, Walsh D, Barry DS, Tinaztepe S, de Los Santos K, Goff SP, Gundersen GG, Naghavi MH  HIV-1 induces the formation of stable microtubules to enhance early infection.  Cell Host Microbe  2013 Nov 13;14(5):535-46. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2013.10.012
  32. Naghavi MH, Gundersen GG, Walsh D  Plus-end tracking proteins, CLASPs, and a viral Akt mimic regulate herpesvirus-induced stable microtubule formation and virus spread.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2013 Nov 05;110(45):18268-73. doi:10.1073/pnas.1310760110
  33. Walsh D, Mathews MB, Mohr I  Tinkering with translation: protein synthesis in virus-infected cells.  Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  2013 Jan 01;5(1):a012351. pii:a012351
  34. Herdy B, Jaramillo M, Svitkin YV, Rosenfeld AB, Kobayashi M, Walsh D, Alain T, Sean P, Robichaud N, Topisirovic I  et al.  Translational control of the activation of transcription factor NF-κB and production of type I interferon by phosphorylation of the translation factor eIF4E.  Nat Immunol  2012 Apr 29;13(6):543-550. doi:10.1038/ni.2291
  35. Zaborowska I, Kellner K, Henry M, Meleady P, Walsh D  Recruitment of host translation initiation factor eIF4G by the Vaccinia Virus ssDNA-binding protein I3.  Virology  2012 Mar 30;425(1):11-22. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2011.12.022
  36. Walsh D, Mohr I  Viral subversion of the host protein synthesis machinery.  Nat Rev Microbiol  2011 Oct 17;9(12):860-75. doi:10.1038/nrmicro2655
  37. Naghavi M, Walsh D  Research funding: Learn from Ireland's knowledge economy.  Nature  2011 Aug 24;476(7361):399. doi:10.1038/476399b
  38. Brown C, Morham SG, Walsh D, Naghavi MH  Focal adhesion proteins talin-1 and vinculin negatively affect paxillin phosphorylation and limit retroviral infection.  J Mol Biol  2011 Jul 29;410(5):761-77. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.03.076
  39. Henning MS, Stiedl P, Barry DS, McMahon R, Morham SG, Walsh D, Naghavi MH  PDZD8 is a novel moesin-interacting cytoskeletal regulatory protein that suppresses infection by herpes simplex virus type 1.  Virology  2011 Jul 05;415(2):114-21. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2011.04.006
  40. McMahon R, Zaborowska I, Walsh D  Noncytotoxic inhibition of viral infection through eIF4F-independent suppression of translation by 4EGi-1.  J Virol  2011 Jan;85(2):853-64. doi:10.1128/JVI.01873-10
  41. Walsh D  Manipulation of the host translation initiation complex eIF4F by DNA viruses.  Biochem Soc Trans  2010 Dec;38(6):1511-6. doi:10.1042/BST0381511
  42. Zaborowska I, Walsh D  PI3K signaling regulates rapamycin-insensitive translation initiation complex formation in vaccinia virus-infected cells.  J Virol  2009 Apr;83(8):3988-92. doi:10.1128/JVI.02284-08
  43. Arias C, Walsh D, Harbell J, Wilson AC, Mohr I  Activation of host translational control pathways by a viral developmental switch.  PLoS Pathog  2009 Mar;5(3):e1000334. pii:e1000334
  44. McMahon R, Walsh D  Efficient quiescent infection of normal human diploid fibroblasts with wild-type herpes simplex virus type 1.  J Virol  2008 Oct;82(20):10218-30. doi:10.1128/JVI.00859-08
  45. Walsh D, Arias C, Perez C, Halladin D, Escandon M, Ueda T, Watanabe-Fukunaga R, Fukunaga R, Mohr I  Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F architectural alterations accompany translation initiation factor redistribution in poxvirus-infected cells.  Mol Cell Biol  2008 Apr;28(8):2648-58. doi:10.1128/MCB.01631-07
  46. Walsh D, Mohr I  Assembly of an active translation initiation factor complex by a viral protein.  Genes Dev  2006 Feb 15;20(4):461-72
  47. Walsh D, Perez C, Notary J, Mohr I  Regulation of the translation initiation factor eIF4F by multiple mechanisms in human cytomegalovirus-infected cells.  J Virol  2005 Jul;79(13):8057-64