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Working to understand intracellular replication of HIV-1 and resulting neurodegeneration.

The Naghavi Lab

A microscope image of siRNA

Our Work

Our lab focuses on two aspects of HIV biology: 1) How HIV-1 exploits microtubules and their associated regulators and motors during early infection; 2) How HIV-1 infection in the brain-resident macrophages/microglia induces neurodegeneration.

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Lab Leadership

Mojgan H. Naghavi, PhD
Professor of Microbiology-Immunology

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A headshot of Dr. Naghavi

Selected Publications

Gu F, Boisjoli M, Naghavi MH. HIV-1 promotes ubiquitination of the amyloidogenic C-terminal fragment of APP to support viral replicationNat Commun. 2023. Jul 15;14(1):4227. pii:4227 

Shanmugapriya S, Santos da Silva E, Campbell JA, Boisjoli MP, Naghavi MH. Dynactin 1 negatively regulates HIV-1 infection by sequestering the host cofactor CLIP170Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021. Oct 26;118(43). pii:e2102884118 

Santos da Silva E, Shanmugapriya S, Malikov V, Gu F, Delaney MK, Naghavi MH. HIV-1 capsids mimic a microtubule regulator to coordinate early stages of infectionEMBO J. 2020. Oct 15;39(20):e104870. pii:e104870  

Malikov V, Naghavi MH. Localized Phosphorylation of a Kinesin-1 Adaptor by a Capsid-Associated Kinase Regulates HIV-1 Motility and UncoatingCell Rep. 2017. Sep 19;20(12):2792-2799. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2017.08.076