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About Us

The Mitchell Lab welcomes your questions and comments. For general feedback and inquiries, please contact us for more information via our office information below.

General Lab Information

303 E. Chicago Ave.
Ward Building 8-090
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-503-9251

Join Our Lab

Research Technician Position

We are looking for an enthusiastic research technician. We use developing Xenopus embryos to address mechanistic and quantitative cell biological questions surrounding the formation and function of complex epithelia. Candidates with a keen interest in basic science are encouraged. The position will involve molecular biology techniques as well as confocal and light-sheet imaging. 

Available research technician positions will be posted on the Northwestern Human Resources Careers website.

Postdoctoral Positions

We are a cell and developmental biology lab that has broad interests in cytoskeleton research. We use developing Xenopus embryos to address mechanistic and quantitative cell biological questions surrounding the formation and function of complex epithelia. This position will provide great tools and imaging resources and a large degree of intellectual freedom to pursue questions surrounding cell polarity, directed cell movements, tissue invasion, and cell extrusion. Creativity and a passion for curiosity-driven science are a must. The lab is housed in a growing department with a vibrant and collaborative community of cell and developmental biologists. A PhD is required and experience in cell and developmental biology (broadly) is a plus. Applicants should provide a CV and a brief statement of their research interests. 

Interested applicants should send a CV and statement of research interests to Brian Mitchell

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergrads interested in gaining valuable research experiences in a medical school environment should contact Brian Mitchell.