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Exploring biomedical and clinical applications of machine learning.


The Luo Lab

The Luo Lab at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is broadly interested in the research of multi-modal machine learning, deep learning, vision/image processing, natural language processing, multi-omics, evaluating AI (fairness, transparency, bias), exploring the impact of AI (social, economic, cultural), with a focus on biomedical and clinical applications.

Some of our recent works are on multi-modal machine learning (including deep learning) models applied to better understanding complex diseases, informing targeted therapies, improving patient outcomes, and reducing bias and disparity in health care. The common theme of these works aims at building AI/ML models that improve both prediction accuracy and interpretability (stronger requirement than explainability), by exploring relational information in each data modality.

A headshot of Dr. Luo

Lab Leadership

Yuan Luo, PhD
Director, Institute for Augmented Intelligence in Medicine's Center for Collaborative AI in Healthcare
Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics), McCormick School of Engineering and Pediatrics

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Lab Happenings

New Publication - June 2022

"Improving Fairness in the Prediction of Heart Failure Length-of-Stay and Mortality by Integrating Social Determinants of Health" accepted by the journal Circulation: Heart Failure

Conference Report - June 2022

Dr. Luo gave keynote to Mayo Clinic Neuroscience Convergence Conference.

Conference Report - November 2021

Dr. Luo gave keynote to the AI Summits & IoT World Silicon Valley.