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Translational, cell-based targeted therapy for the treatment of glioblastoma and other brain malignancies.

The Balyasnikova Lab

Our laboratory is dedicated to the advancement and development of translational, cell-based targeted therapy for the treatment of glioblastoma and other brain malignancies. We also aim to develop imaging techniques for the tracking of stem cells in the central nervous system, improving our understanding of therapeutic mechanisms. Finally, as we look toward the future of brain cancer treatment, we are committed to the training of aspiring research professionals.

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Members conducting wet lab research

Updates from the Lab



Congratulations to Ph.D. student Joseph Duffy for receiving the MBTI's award for his presentation at MBTI at the Emerging Brain Tumor Science Seminar.



Congratulations to Kristen Raue for matching into the Neurological Surgery residency program at Wake Forest University! 



Congratulations to Arushi Tiwari for earning her honors in Neuroscience!



Congratulations to Silpol Dhiantravan for receiving a Regeneron Scholarship to participate in the Proteomics course this fall at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory!

Selected Publication

Raue KD, Duffy JT, Babak MV, Balyasnikova IV. Modeling glioblastoma complexity with organoids for personalized treatments. Trends in Molecular Medicine. April 2023, 29: 282-296.


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